Thursday, April 16, 2015


I have had such a strong work ethic ever since I was young.  I suppose I have my parents to thank to some degree for this as they strongly urged me and my brother to make our beds, clean our rooms, and do other things like dust the house.  I personally preferred the outdoor work like gardening, mowing the lawn, digging up the dandelions, painting our bridge that went over our creek and more.  My brother tried to tell me that was 'man's' work and I disagreed.  Through my high school I did volunteer work for our choir ushering people to their seats at an auditorium call Whiting Auditorium for special concerts and events. Every summer I like to run my own 'summer camp' and have the neighborhood kids over for teaching, fun and games in my yard. At 14 my parents signed a work order allowing me to work in my hometown of Flushing Michigan at a restaurant where I waited the tables, cleared the tables and washed the dishes. I continued to work from there on out. They told me I had to buy my own car which I saved for and got, my dad picked it out for me and it was beautiful.  I was also interested in owning a stereo, water bed and eventually moving into my own apartment. I love working and making my own money however too, I bought things I wanted rather than pay my bills which only ends up in disaster.  
During the time I was ill with Chrons' disease I eventually was unable to work and was focused on becoming well. At first it was a challenge to survive where I had to live with my parents, than friends and eventually receiving Medicare was able to get into an apartment to be on my own. I worked a bit helping at church and singing. I didn't 'want' to work then because I didn't feel good and I needed to focus on my health and getting better. I eventually, with support and help had a man in my life who was as eager to help me get well as I was and provided a scenario to allow that to happen.  Unfortunately over time and another final surgery, that took a toll on our relationship and I find myself out on my own again. However, it leads to good news because at the same time we were divorcing peacefully, I found a yoga studio where the current students I had would allow me to pay that rent.  I was staying with a friend as well for free and that allowed those changes to take place.  Over time though, I was unable to stay with that friend since he was an alcoholic I found out and got out fast, and began my journey of finding a place to live, which I did with the help of a friend. Now I went from no rent, to rent of a studio to 2 rents and 2 sets of bills. It can be pretty scary but I was determined to make it.
When my new/old friend of the past came into my life, along with my strong work ethic (and this time a much better understanding of making, saving and spending or not spending money due to the lessons I learned when married) I was able to squeak by. My friend helped me learn how to be a business person and how to market which has allowed me now to build my studio up and be so busy that I can pay my bills! I have never felt so humbled, grateful and honored to be able to 'on my own and with support emotionally' to live in a cute townhouse, own a yoga studio to help people, have a decent car and actually begin to save some money!  
My work ethic is stronger than ever and now there is little time for relaxation and fun but that is ok because my job is relaxing at time and mostly fun! I am so blessed by the universe to be able to provide services to others, based on my experiences, to help them 'help themselves'; whether it is emotionally, financially, mentally, relationship wise or health. Been there done it all.  
I am grateful for the experiences too including the sickness because I learned so much and grew. I have seen and experienced so much that I am well versed in life which allows me to understand others' experiences and feelings. A strong work ethic can go a million miles in a lifetime and me and my friend are living proof of that. He too is a hard hard worker and focused on the work ethic of life.  I am proud of him and grateful for his lessons. We all have teachers in our lives that lead and teach us and he is one of my best teachers.  
For many of the people today suffering in life with unhappiness and lack of focus, and even a sense of entitlement I would like to say, there is the greatest joy within when we find work, passion and have purpose. Instead of looking outside of ourselves for something to fulfill us, we should go out and 'create' our work, and make our own fulfillment. It is IN each one of us. Last night me and my pal watched the movie Big, and there is a song in that movie as background music which most people don't even know. I know it because I sang it in church. The title of the song is "It's in Every One of Us" and the words go like this,
It's in everyone of us, to be wise, find your heart, open up both your eyes. We can all know everything without ever knowing how. It's in everyone of us, now right now.