Friday, January 15, 2016

Tips For A Healthy New You


 Tips for a healthy new you!

Thank you everyone who has returned back to yoga for 2016, it's going be an amazing year at the studio for us all!  Here are some healthy tips to begin adding to your lifestyle.

1. It is important to try and identify food and chemical sensitivities. This is part of naturopathic care. Avoiding foods and substances that are obstacles to health, the body can focus its health restorative abilities where the problem exists. I can help you look at your lifestyle/food/pills you take to identify these 'intruders'.

2. Moderate foods with a high saturated fat or oil content, limiting your intake to 30% of your total diet daily, unless you are involved in heavy physical labor or demanding athletics. Avoid fried food, hydrogenated oils and trans-fats. These abnormal fats can get incorporated into cell membranes and disrupt normal cell function and communication. Use Olive oil, coconut oil, safflower or sunflower seed to cook with and use flax oil for salad dressing. Canola oil has trans-fat and euric acid contents so avoid this.

3. Avoid foods high in refined carbohydrates and starch such as sugar, candy, white flour/rice, carrots or white potato products. Sugar and simple carbohydrates are known to have a negative effect on your immune system and support parasite and yeast growth within the body if these imbalances exist. Use Whole Grains!

4. High fiber foods matter!  fruits, oats, flax-seed or vegetables are recommended. Fiber 'cleanses' the intestinal tract and aids in elimination of toxins. The liver incorporates toxic waste into bile which is deposited into the small intestines to bind fiber for elimination. 90% of the bile is reabsorbed therefore a good bowel elimination pattern is of utmost importance!

5. Buy organic when possible.

6. Eat most of your food earlier in the day and small at night. Proteins in the morning, salads and carbs during day and light foods like soup and fruit at night. Protein at night requires too much liver activity and the liver won't be able to clear the toxins from the blood efficiently throughout the night as it should.

7. Try to generate a relaxed atmosphere around meals and chew your food well. Do not 'work' while eating. Give thanks, be grateful and affirm that the food going into your body will be used as needed for fuel and that which needs to be eliminated will do so peacefully. Do not drive and eat. Do not drink during eating, wait until after (unless you are having a glass of wine with dinner).

8. Read labels and avoid foods with artificial or synthetic ingredients.

9. Moderate your animal protein but eat ample vegetable protein; ask me how! Tofu, Temp-eh, TVP, whole grains, nuts, seeds and beans.

10. Be creative and experiment with a wide variety of foods and spices. LEARN YOUR DOSHA and eat according to your body type; ask me how!

11. WATER. Drink a minimum amount equal to 1/2 your body weight in ounces per day. Body weight 120lbs. Divided by 2 = 60 ounces of water.

12. Attitude. Be positive, take charge, be pro-active, have laughter and joy in your daily life! Commit yourself to living well and healthy.

Lesli Kotloski