Monday, January 26, 2015

Snow Days

DO NOT PANIC! Todays media would have us thinking that a few inches of snow is reason to go stock up our fridge, pantry and lives with more stuff, stuff and stuff! I bet i could walk into each one of your homes and find PLENTY to get you by for over a week! The media wants to prepare you which is nice, but think of the old days when the pioneers didn't have the news to rely on and when the snow fell and covered the land, "they made do". It brought their family closer together. We could all learn from them on how to live more 'simply'. Why do i need 50 rolls of toilet paper or 50 loaves of bread? Did you ever hear of baking? Kids today only know how to live with the toys and energy that you provide for them.  Do they know how to 'survive' in a world with less? Wouldn't it be ok if your stomach felt a bit empty? Or you had so much time on your hands but only so much daylight to do it in?  I'm not sure if the media is in cahoots with the grocery stores (to sell more), or/and they only like to create FEAR. As if most of us don't have enough fears already in this crazy world, for ourselves and our children.
I say take the opportunity for snow days to gear down. Off with the tv, play a radio with batteries if you must.  Read a book, go out and play, bake, color, do whatever you love to do with now, the time you always wish you had that you now have. Teach your children about playing board games and living more simply. Teach them survival skills. One of my girlfriends a few years ago on that really big snowstorm that put so many out of power for days said to me, I can't open my refrigerator so that i don't lose that energy or my food. REALLY? The outside air temperature is cold enough that you can put your food in bags or coolers and put it in your garage, your back porch or even outside!  
Burn some candles, those of you with gas stoves can use those to make some food. Did you ever hear of peanut butter and jelly?  
We can all survive on so much less if we let ourselves. We would learn to spend less, have more quality moments and have more time. We do not have to keep going out and buying/spending/wasting time, when all you need is right there already in the comfort of your home; safe and sound. Protected and surrounded by light and love of your family and  forget the computer/ipad/ipod/gameboy etc.  Learn to live in each moment surrounded by loved ones and the comfort and security of your home and the beautiful blanket of snow. Nature IS beauty, so do not let this opportunity go by and get out your sleds, your snowshoes and your camera. Remember, each snowflake is completely different, how amazing is that  Just like each one of us; each unique, divine and beautiful.  
Have a beautiful snowy day.
Lesli Kotloski

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Renew Yourself

Having perspective is a great way to learn and grow. We have to evaluate things in our life to see how we feel and what is meaningful for us. We forget to do that sometimes as part of a way to continue to know ourselves. Sometimes it is if we wait until something is forcing us or making us to change or understand, and eventually but not without some struggles, we surrender.  And something amazing happens, we actually find that we are in better situations and feeling better about ourselves, and life is handing us wonderful new things we didn't know existed or were available to us.  So let me make these suggestions that I like that I got from a book by Brian Walker called Hua Hu Ching.
"In ancient times, people lived holistic lives.  They didn't overemphasize the intellect, but integrated mind, body, and spirit in all things.
This allowed them to become masters of knowledge rather than victims of concepts. If a new invention appeared, they looked for the troubles it might cause as well as the shortcuts it offered.  They valued old ways that had been proven effective, and they valued new ways if they could be proven effective.
If you want to stop being confused, then emulate these ancient folk: join your body, mind and spirit in all you do. Choose food, clothing, and shelter that accords with nature. Rely on your own body for transportation. Allow your work and your recreation to be one and the same. Do exercise that develops your whole being and not just your body. Listen to music that bridges the three spheres of your being. Choose leaders for their virtue rather than their wealth or power. Serve others and cultivate yourself simultaneously. Understand that true growth comes from meeting and solving the problems of life in a way that is harmonizing to yourself and to others.
If you can follow these simple old ways, you will be continuously renewed."
Lesli Kotloski

Monday, January 5, 2015

An Evening of Kirtan

Stretch Boundaries

We all look at life from our point of view. It's human nature. If you want successful relationships you have to look through your partners/friends eyes and see yourself in their situation. So think about this question; How much fun are you to live with or be with? I find myself so attracted to things in life that are lighter, funnier, more fun, easy, hilarious, make me know and accept my truths and than be ok with it! Certain friends/partners bring out the best in us, even make us move forward in life. I recently saw on facebook a picture that showed two sides; to the left was aging and comfort or to the right was aging and being bold. Whichever one you pick for you is good, and you should have a partner that is gonna go there with you. I like comfort very much, but in a bold kinda way. I have learned to step out of my comfort zone and see what i'm really made of. I have learned to take risks and in doing so, found greater happiness. Comfort doesn't always let me stretch my boundaries or increase my knowledge. I like to keep growing smarter, funnier, happier because i am able to see my blessings better too because being bold allows our PASSION to ignite. I lived in a comforting relationship for 14 years where the boat was never rocked, and little did i know how boring that was until i started to live a little bit more! Finding friends and a love that goes with you on that journey is wonderful and i also need those peeps to be the kind of friends that if i get boring, old, sad or humdrum, they are gonna come give me a swift kick and say 'snap out of it' because they know what i need, what best serves me and is true to MY spirit.
Teasing is part of this journey and for years, in a boring relationship, there was no teasing.  My teasing experience goes back to some old family memories that i actually took personally and hurtfully. Now I know that when my guy calls me a 'coconut head' it is all in fun and love. It is Special! We can decide to find things charming or complain, and i like charming or as i call my guy; quirky! Relationships aren't supposed to be like elevator music-something in the background that doesn't merit your attention. The formula for a successful relationship is always based on a solid underlying friendship. Our friends and partners are supposed to know what we need and we have to teach TEACH them what we need; ASK. Stop expecting someone to read our mind or think they 'know' us.  Let your friends and mates be your closest companions and your playmates.  
Laughing, talking, sharing stories, reliving memories, being interesting rather than always complaining about their world and someone who wants to grow; a friend. This is what i have decided for myself to focus on more of this New year and i myself become the teaser, the playful one and the one to get you to laugh!  Did you hear the one about....