Monday, January 5, 2015

Stretch Boundaries

We all look at life from our point of view. It's human nature. If you want successful relationships you have to look through your partners/friends eyes and see yourself in their situation. So think about this question; How much fun are you to live with or be with? I find myself so attracted to things in life that are lighter, funnier, more fun, easy, hilarious, make me know and accept my truths and than be ok with it! Certain friends/partners bring out the best in us, even make us move forward in life. I recently saw on facebook a picture that showed two sides; to the left was aging and comfort or to the right was aging and being bold. Whichever one you pick for you is good, and you should have a partner that is gonna go there with you. I like comfort very much, but in a bold kinda way. I have learned to step out of my comfort zone and see what i'm really made of. I have learned to take risks and in doing so, found greater happiness. Comfort doesn't always let me stretch my boundaries or increase my knowledge. I like to keep growing smarter, funnier, happier because i am able to see my blessings better too because being bold allows our PASSION to ignite. I lived in a comforting relationship for 14 years where the boat was never rocked, and little did i know how boring that was until i started to live a little bit more! Finding friends and a love that goes with you on that journey is wonderful and i also need those peeps to be the kind of friends that if i get boring, old, sad or humdrum, they are gonna come give me a swift kick and say 'snap out of it' because they know what i need, what best serves me and is true to MY spirit.
Teasing is part of this journey and for years, in a boring relationship, there was no teasing.  My teasing experience goes back to some old family memories that i actually took personally and hurtfully. Now I know that when my guy calls me a 'coconut head' it is all in fun and love. It is Special! We can decide to find things charming or complain, and i like charming or as i call my guy; quirky! Relationships aren't supposed to be like elevator music-something in the background that doesn't merit your attention. The formula for a successful relationship is always based on a solid underlying friendship. Our friends and partners are supposed to know what we need and we have to teach TEACH them what we need; ASK. Stop expecting someone to read our mind or think they 'know' us.  Let your friends and mates be your closest companions and your playmates.  
Laughing, talking, sharing stories, reliving memories, being interesting rather than always complaining about their world and someone who wants to grow; a friend. This is what i have decided for myself to focus on more of this New year and i myself become the teaser, the playful one and the one to get you to laugh!  Did you hear the one about....

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