Saturday, February 14, 2015

Life is your Teacher

"Life itself is your teacher, So follow in your own footsteps! LEAD the way into and through your life,  rather than cling to the old, past, stale habits that no longer serve you, set forth a new path with joy! Let your new steps lead you to the joy you deserve. Manifest your hearts desire and rejoice in it!" You could look at my life and say to yourself, wow! That woman has had a lot of experiences and changes! This is no doubt true on every level. I have lived a life most people do not. I modeled at stores for years as a mannequin model, for covers of Buick, in fashion shows, newspapers and more. I even entered a beauty pageant but found myself helping others try to win and be better people and was more nervous about my own journey there. I was the National and Canadian Anthem singer for Nascar racing at Michigan and Pennsylvania tracks for 10 years and when I retired, I rode in a pace car and was given a sapphire and diamond necklace and earrings to commemorate the time I spent there (since I also worked in the media center and ran a program for kids with (dis)abilities to go on the track for a ride, meet the drivers and have lunch in the garages.) I have been married twice and both experiences were completely different. I do not regret either of them, even though the first one was extremely physically abusive. I do not have kids so that in and of itself is very different than many. I have held so many different types of jobs, gone to school for many subjects and in my words,  have had life experiences that were so transforming (like almost dying twice from crohn's disease) that there is no turning back. I am moved, changed, transformed and I feel so educated from my life experiences. I may be wayyyy out of the norm from most people however, I work with a lot of children, people, and life experiences today so I am not without 'family'. My birth family live in Michigan however I find myself quite happy about living here and visiting there. Sure I miss them deeply however, metaphysics, life and science/universe have taught me about non-attachment and living the life I believe God/Spirit/Love wants me to live, which means also to continue to teach, grow and learn; then share it. So those of you who fear change, forget that word and change it to TRANSFORM! Remember these words from Eckhart Tolle; "The past cannot prevail against the power of now". Live a life that is truly YOURS and CHOOSE to share it while continuing to grow. Namaste'

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