Monday, December 7, 2015


Dear Yogi's, as we begin to reflect on the end of the year /New year, I want to invite you to ponder this idea.
If you want war to end in the world and peace to reign, you have to stop the personal wars in your own neighborhood first, your Self your heart.

Our fears, hurts and experiences are there/were there to help shape us into realization that, when you BELIEVE in love, love overcomes ALL.  When you BELIEVE in the good of man/mankind that GOOD happens.  When you TRULY BELIEVE in some higher form of existence (God, Buddha, Love, Universe, Spirit) then THAT is what fills your heart.  The 'things' you have like fear, suspicion, hurt and negativity are 'forms' of the dark side which are there to teach us and to 'inspire' us into knowing the difference between love and hate, war and peace and so on.

What YOU choose for yourself; your heart, mind, words and actions should be based on the desire to DRAW love into ALL situations because of your BELIEF.  When 'bad' happens to you it is because some part of you believes, owns, chooses to believe in fear, hurt and hate.  You can't judge, speak poorly or negatively against others and EXPECT to draw love, peace and Spirit more into your life.

If you are in a situation in your life that brings out your negativity, judgement and fear then you should ask yourself, "Why do I continue to CHOOSE this in my life".  You can't be good to some people and then not good to others and expect love and peace in your life.  You HAVE TO move away from those situations that continue to bring you fear, suspicion and judgement.  Whether you physically move (as I did from my town) or emotionally and/or mentally from a situation by IMPROVING your own Self with your choices of thought, word and action, then your situations around you change.

Do you want love in your life?  Be loving.  That simple.  Do you want peace in your life?  Be peaceful.  Do you want to stop having negative thoughts, negative experiences, feeling afraid, or feeling fearful? 

Put your TRUST into that higher divine idea; Love, Spirit, God, Universe.  Its that simple.  Treat, then move your feet.  As Wayne Dyer wrote, "You have to BELIEVE it to see it!"  It isn't the other way around folks!  Don't wait for someone, some 'thing' to have to PROVE it to you first, MAKE it happen in your own heart and mind.  YOU are responsible for what happens to you, not anyone else.  And God/Love/Universe are not bad, they are not 'punishing' you or purposefully hurting you.  when something doesn't 'work' anymore or doesn't feel right or good, THAT is how Spirit is talking to you, but you refuse to listen or you INSIST on believing that someone is bad to you or that you DESERVE bad things!  God is Good! 

When we believe in the good, when we think it, say it/speak it, and act that way AMAZING things happen!  Even when in our world today there are terrorists, evil doers and bad things happening, are they happening to you 'personally'?  Why are you drawing this?  why do you choose to continue those actions in life that move you to be dark over the light?  TRUST in the good of man and in life and then BE that person of trust, love and peace, and the world will transform around you in your own little neighborhood of your heart.  Remember the story of the Grinch.  As soon as he expanded his own heart because of the goodness of some people who refuse to let anyone else convince them otherwise of the goodness of life, his heart expanded and he got the girl, he got the love and he found the deepest meaning to life; LOVE.

May all you Grinches, all you fearful, negative, unhappy souls begin to explore this idea.  Grab Wayne Dyers book "You'll See it When you Believe it!" and watch your hate, fear and personal struggles shift.  Get on the mat, Yoga will transform you.

Namaste' and Happy Loving Holidays!

Lesli Kotloski

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