Monday, December 29, 2014

Embrace the New Year

The holidays came...and went, just that fast. I wonder how many people stressed out over the whole thing and now; its over. Many of you will make 'resolutions' and again, I wonder how long it takes for those NEW Habits to die over time. I choose to Contemplate, meditate, process and then LET it all resonate into new thought that happens periodically throughout the year, not just as a 'new year' approaches. Whatever it takes for you to begin again, begin anew and to move forward. We were not meant to wallow in our past, but to 'rise up' and regain the strength, power, motivation and inclination to become better beings; spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. Metaphysics and all that this study embraces reminds me that this is an abundant, unlimited and prosperous universe equal for all beings to 'rise up in consciousness' to new habits, new awareness and growth.  "the shadows and shapes of our past lingers in our very cells". Teihard de Chardin once said, "in each of us, thru matter, the whole history of the world is in part reflected...Everything that the body has ADMITTED and has begun to transform must be transfigured by the soul in its turn". The things you were told by others about body/roles/value of feelings, can be found in your litany of sorrows. Face and acknowledge the darkness, Understand the history of it, mourn it and let it go, so that we can fashion lives that are of light! We must get beyond our fears and to go beyond them we must know where they came from.  
For meditation: "imagine yourself in the arms of God/Spirit/Love/Universe.  However you see it, whatever you call it.  go to your safe place/haven and feel Gods warmth, light, forgiveness and gentle mercy entering your heart and whole being.  Feel the tenderness and strength of God/Spirit/Love/Universe supporting you. Feel this 'light' entering into you illuminating your very essence. Feel loves breath on you, feel the safety of being in HER arms. Remember, "the body is the corporeal ground of our intelligence." Adrienne Rich
Embrace this new year, this new you these new awarenesses and these new opportunities to experience Health (on all levels) THRU Yoga.

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