Sunday, December 21, 2014

Winter Solstice

Ok friends, so I'm behind on the blog scene and here we are, almost done with 2014! Tonight is the Winter Solstice, shortest day of the year. I'll watch how quickly the dark comes, though the gray skies have been plenty dark for me. When the sun came into my windows at home yesterday (once I GOT home) I couldn't believe the dirtiness of my home! Yuck! That just comes from being so blessed lately with lots of yoga classes and privates!  My life has a rhythm that is already full, and when you add in something like the fact that I have to SHOP for gifts for friends AND wrap, not sure what was gonna get lost. I saw yesterday it was the cleaning! My refrigerator and my shower were yuck! My yuck is probably different than your yuck, and I'm not a Niles Crane when it comes to germs, but messy, dusty, cat hair and dirt is just yuck. Boy, did I need to do some cooking to have some food! I was blessed to be out this weekend with friends but again, as much as I love being out and seeing people, the town and cool places, for example, at the Pens game; a beer, burger and fries came to $21. Now that's just silly and the parking? $20. Needless to say I just paid Pittsburgh (or Dave did), $55.50 for parking in a spot in the strip that they claim wasn't a parking spot. I wonder where my city politicians will fly to with all the money they collected that day! Just when dave and I picked up our ticket, it was amongst about another $900 or more dollars worth of tickets. That was a good day for the city of Pittsburgh, not to mention that the strip was PACKED, so lots of shopping and spending. These are the things that can get into your head and heart and make you frustrated and stressed. I can certainly be disappointed by the fact that I have to throw away money or park 2 blocks away from my home AND pay $300 a year to do it just to live here, and because of that stress; I NEED YOGA. Even more: I NEED TO EXPAND MY HEART AND EXPAND LOVE. "Course in Miracles says, that What we think upon becomes", so I have the option to think, talk and act pissy or, I can expand my heart to those that need it and deserve it which is everyone. I see my friends and family just stick to those they know when it comes to living life or to those that think like them. I am really enjoying my time watching and listening to others even if they are very different just to keep myself grounded, rounded and open; diverse. Sometimes in a group we reach out and talk to a stranger, but more often than not, due to our own insecurities, we might be afraid to do more than just say hi! Last night I had the opportunity to watch a ton of people and I decided my 'training' for the night was to look at each person and quietly to myself find something wonderful to say about them! Rather than judge them I said something beautiful. Sometimes we don't let people into our circle because we are afraid someone will be hurt or we are just plain AFRAID but of what? Of teaching ourselves and our children how to be safe and at the same time, know how to let others in and expand our circle of friendship (I almost said Love but than I'd sound like a song from the Lion King) but it's true. Business people who market always reach out to get to know people who 'might help them in business and finding what they need. Why then can't we let others into our personal life and build a really big loving Family Circle? We have that at our yoga studio; this community of students who are friendly and friends; some even go to each other's kids weddings and baptisms! "Like draws like", so what are you drawing to you? On the front wall of my yoga studio it simply says, "Love is the absence of fear". What do you or your kids have to gain or lose if you open up your home (your residence) and your home (your heart) to many other loving people and let your circle of family expand, just like your love. Don't be afraid, go for it. Love with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul and stop worrying, fretting or fearing. L-O-V -E. 

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