Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Studio closed 11/24/14 and 11/27/14

As a compassionate human/spiritual being along with being a business owner, sometimes it is hard to trust my instinct about canceling class because I want to be able to always provide the classes that we say we are going to have. I am a grounded yogi and my gut knows quickly when the weather is a bit 'iffy' and I am 'concerned' for your well being and safety because some of you come right from work and from the city. I'll close for snow that looks dangerous or where there might be too much traffic/snowplows/school buses etc. I'll close for an emergency-type situation where once, there was a flood in the studio and once, a mother bird gave birth to 3 babies in the ceiling of our front bay window. THAT was a time to close and tonight, the wind. I was out in the town (Leechburg Turkey Farm) and man, that had some scarey moments of wind! All day traffic lights were out, we were detoured because of trees in the road, police sirens everywhere etc. I think I should close for that.  Don't you all wish you were in the job that cared so much about your well-being and life and gave you some freedoms that you might need to be whole and balanced. Work might be a little bit more enjoyable if you get to do what you love and you love what you do.
I don't EVER want to close but I think of safety first and then trying to practice "that going to reduce stress in yoga isn't worth getting stressed out to get there or drive home; it defeats the purpose!  If I make a choice you don't like I am really sorry; I'm really trying to be practical and think of our well-being first and yes, 'I'm' deciding when I/We close for 'weather'.  So I hope you'll forgive me!
You are all so WONDERFUL to support the studio, and me and this journey we are on, thank you thank you thank you!  I may have a family in Michigan that I was 'born' to however, I may see them only 2 times a year so my REAL family is here in Pittsburgh; my yoga studio/students and my friend families who share their lives with me,  YOU are my family and I love you, appreciate you and am gratefully honored to know you.  THAT is what I am happy about this Thanksgiving.  The love of friends and family.  Blessings to you all.  Breathe in the beautiful day of bounty on so many levels, and of all things have Grace.
Namaste', Shanti Shanti 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Be Gracious

Image from buddahdoodles visit them here.
 If you are complaining about people complaining then I guess you are one of those people all within the same 'group'. I'm sure if we all look deep enough we could find something to be hurt, angry, upset, confused etc. over. That is life. It is ok, even 'good' to talk with a friend about concerns you have and to engage in the dissatisfaction of some things happening in life as a recognition to that which 'seems' to exist. But HAVE a CONVERSATION about it over breathing deep and a cup of tea. Speak graciously and kindly about those disappointments with the understanding that 'this too shall pass' and even if it doesn't 'seem' to, the Course in Miracles says that it is 'all an illusion' anyway. Everything changes constantly and in that acceptance, we are not 'clinging' to that which we desire to 'stay the same'. We must release and be open. Another one of my favorite verses from Course in Miracles says, "what we see in our brother we see in ourselves, and what we share we strengthen. Let each person and moment TEACH you something about yourself; whether it is old news that you can see how you've grown from or whether it is something that you can't see, won't see and/or aren't willing to accept. It is easy to criticize others but in the end we are only hurting ourselves. Be gracious, say I'm Sorry when you have misspoken or harmed yourself or someone else and most importantly, let each relationship be a 'tool' for growth and understanding of oneself. Stop trying to make everyone be like you, agree with you or support your conflict. Let Diversity Unify your Spirit and your relationships. Be willing to LEARN. Namaste'

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Light and the Dark

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Don't Take Anything Personally

I just recently posted on facebook a book entitled Non-Violent Communication and its lessons I have learned. This was passed onto me from my one and only female yoga teacher Judith Hanson-Lasater. We live in a world afraid to speak our truth. I'm not talking about our judgements about each other (like I don't like your dress or your haircut), I'm talking about my own personal transforming moments of my personal journey of growth that I want to share with the people I love. EVERYONE takes it personally, like how it affects them or that the conversation is 'about them'.  In some ways they may be part of 'why' we wanted to transform ourselves, but the journey is about us.  Don Miguel Luis reminds us in The Four Agreements (agreement #2) Don't Take Anything Personally.  I recently shared with my mom how I am very bummed out that after my divorce no one in my family came to console me and I was devastated. Yes I moved forward and onward because that is what strong people do.  But I still hurt and wouldn't mind someone just sitting with me even while I cried, so that I didn't have to be alone. I would never 'ask' anyone to, friends just do it without asking, as my friend Amy did. I love her. Also in the last 3 years and during this time I moved into my own townhouse, started and opened a successful yoga studio and became more successful as a woman business owner and bought a new car. No one in my family has seen my home, seen my studio or been to visit me in over 3 years. They can take trips and vacations to other states and countries, but none to see me. Even though I am single without kids, and I go there about 1-2 times a year, I'd LOVE to show them all I've done to move forward in my life in the direction I was meant to go by Spirit. I want to SHARE IT with them. But no one comes and I could feel unimportant.  Luckily for me I am a yogi and I love them and they make their own choices. I miss them, but I am not mad or resentful. Just wishful to show them I overcame heartbreak!  anyhow the point is that I verbalized my sadness. It is mine and I shared it. I am allowed to. It isn't meant to hurt them or say they are bad people. It is to help me and help them KNOW me better.  Isn't that what real communication is all about and, isn't that how we draw the right people to us, by being Ourselves! When we communicate we use the word I, not you. We don't blame. I am sad. I am hurt. I wish they would come see what I created because I want to share it WITH them. Use the word 'I" when talking about yourselves and your feelings and leave 'them' out of it. Using 'I' is empowering, honest and a journey into healing and growth. "I" hope you trust yourself enough to be brave and speak honestly and openly with everyone you love.  Namaste'

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November is here

What a day was today!  Everyone is in such a good mood 'because' of the weather!  then the cold will come and people will 'act' all down, surprised and disappointed.  and we live in Pittsburgh PA!  I tell my students to let the weather be a teaching moment of how life is.  up/down/in/out/hot/cold/high/low/love/hate so on and so forth.  It is a reminder of the yin and yang of life.  Of opposites in our world.  Of how we cannot have one without the other.  This is the balance of life.  Balance and opposites are part of the great journey, and I say, "don't let the weather control your mood".  Let your mood reflect your heart, your real heart, and detach from the clinging to summer, the heat , the sun etc.  take what you have today, one day at a time and find something you love to do no matter the weather.  Winter reminds us to become more dormant, huddle up, snuggle and cuddle.  Read a book, drink tea.  Be like a bear.  Eat more, stay warm and do poses that warm you.  Sleep some extra too, and try to stop running around wishing it were something other than what it is.  Remember the expression, "if you don't like the heat get out of the kitchen".  Well, move if you must.  but what would a sled ride be without snow?  What would a snow angel look like without snow?  And have you ever walked outside after a big snowfall and noticed how quiet and peaceful it is before any snowplows hit the road?  Nothing can compare.  Be cool yogi's, November is here.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Home is in your Heart and Mind

I LOVE days off (like Sundays or whatever your 'day off' is) because I get to do things like cook great food for the week, maybe a little cleaning and most of all, do something creative! When you practice yoga everyday your 'juices' get flowing, meaning your creative juices and your compassionate juices all come together for a heart and mind center connection! This is vital in today's world of crazy things happening, but most of all to create the sanctuary of peace and joy right within your home. Home is in your heart and mind and it too is in the place you live. Living means dwelling, and in yoga we dwell 'within', your house where your furniture is and the house where your heart is. The internal journey is the most important journey and becomes then the expression of the outward journey. Sometimes there are conflicts between the inner and the outer, and yoga will help you make the connection that is needed to live a blessed, joyful, peaceful and healthy life. So get your creative juices flowing and do something fun and inventive! Today, I put pretty contact paper that matches my bathroom décor in my ugly internal medicine cabinet, and now it looks so appealing and pretty! I added a few motivational sayings so that when I open it to get my toothbrush or neti pot to cleanse myself, I am reminded to 'smile', of 'beauty and balance' and to 'go confidently' into each day! Have a sunshiney day!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Stay Present in the Moment

So this weeks lessons in yoga have been about staying present in the moment, as if to be able to stop and breathe in between movements; like right foot step, stop breathe, left foot step, stop, breathe. If only there were that much time in a day. But I did find that as I was 'whipping through' my shaving routine I had that moment of remembrance; stop and enjoy the journey! So I did. I appreciated every little stroke, every little bruise or bump on my leg, I remembered how these legs carry me and my stuff each day and provide me the opportunity to go from place to place. Legs are a beautiful thing. So I hope today you stop and you realize slowly the pleasure of all we have. These lessons come from the idea that 'rituals' in life are important, and we are entering that time of year for rituals. I have some new rituals in my life now; the blog, more students doing privates and so my personal rituals have changed a bit. One of the other new rituals in my life is my Friday night I get home around 7 ish and I am cooking. Last night I made curried chicken and kale in coconut cream sauce; no cows milk, just coconut! and I cooked my rice in my homemade tomato soup and chicken stock I made! delicious compliment to the chicken, to a cold evening and sustaining after a long hard day. I hope you ask me for ideas on what to cook and make, and I hope you enjoy your 'rituals' every day in every breath! Namaste'

Friday, November 7, 2014

Hello and Welcome

Hi!  I'm so glad to be blogging to you as we prepare for the change of seasons and the holidays!  It can be such a stressful time; happy or not to go through Fall to winter, and Thanksgiving to Hanukkah/Christmas and New Years! Lots to do, places to go, people to see, TONS of food (that isn't always so healthy but yummy!) and family, shopping, presents, and more! This blog is to  help you perhaps relax, meditate, learn healthy tips on nutrition and wellness, and so much Yoga Yoga Yoga!  so I hope you'll check in to see the latest ideas, lessons and tips for staying as healthy as possible each day, one breath at a time.