Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Studio closed 11/24/14 and 11/27/14

As a compassionate human/spiritual being along with being a business owner, sometimes it is hard to trust my instinct about canceling class because I want to be able to always provide the classes that we say we are going to have. I am a grounded yogi and my gut knows quickly when the weather is a bit 'iffy' and I am 'concerned' for your well being and safety because some of you come right from work and from the city. I'll close for snow that looks dangerous or where there might be too much traffic/snowplows/school buses etc. I'll close for an emergency-type situation where once, there was a flood in the studio and once, a mother bird gave birth to 3 babies in the ceiling of our front bay window. THAT was a time to close and tonight, the wind. I was out in the town (Leechburg Turkey Farm) and man, that had some scarey moments of wind! All day traffic lights were out, we were detoured because of trees in the road, police sirens everywhere etc. I think I should close for that.  Don't you all wish you were in the job that cared so much about your well-being and life and gave you some freedoms that you might need to be whole and balanced. Work might be a little bit more enjoyable if you get to do what you love and you love what you do.
I don't EVER want to close but I think of safety first and then trying to practice "that going to reduce stress in yoga isn't worth getting stressed out to get there or drive home; it defeats the purpose!  If I make a choice you don't like I am really sorry; I'm really trying to be practical and think of our well-being first and yes, 'I'm' deciding when I/We close for 'weather'.  So I hope you'll forgive me!
You are all so WONDERFUL to support the studio, and me and this journey we are on, thank you thank you thank you!  I may have a family in Michigan that I was 'born' to however, I may see them only 2 times a year so my REAL family is here in Pittsburgh; my yoga studio/students and my friend families who share their lives with me,  YOU are my family and I love you, appreciate you and am gratefully honored to know you.  THAT is what I am happy about this Thanksgiving.  The love of friends and family.  Blessings to you all.  Breathe in the beautiful day of bounty on so many levels, and of all things have Grace.
Namaste', Shanti Shanti 

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