Saturday, November 8, 2014

Stay Present in the Moment

So this weeks lessons in yoga have been about staying present in the moment, as if to be able to stop and breathe in between movements; like right foot step, stop breathe, left foot step, stop, breathe. If only there were that much time in a day. But I did find that as I was 'whipping through' my shaving routine I had that moment of remembrance; stop and enjoy the journey! So I did. I appreciated every little stroke, every little bruise or bump on my leg, I remembered how these legs carry me and my stuff each day and provide me the opportunity to go from place to place. Legs are a beautiful thing. So I hope today you stop and you realize slowly the pleasure of all we have. These lessons come from the idea that 'rituals' in life are important, and we are entering that time of year for rituals. I have some new rituals in my life now; the blog, more students doing privates and so my personal rituals have changed a bit. One of the other new rituals in my life is my Friday night I get home around 7 ish and I am cooking. Last night I made curried chicken and kale in coconut cream sauce; no cows milk, just coconut! and I cooked my rice in my homemade tomato soup and chicken stock I made! delicious compliment to the chicken, to a cold evening and sustaining after a long hard day. I hope you ask me for ideas on what to cook and make, and I hope you enjoy your 'rituals' every day in every breath! Namaste'

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