Thursday, November 20, 2014

Be Gracious

Image from buddahdoodles visit them here.
 If you are complaining about people complaining then I guess you are one of those people all within the same 'group'. I'm sure if we all look deep enough we could find something to be hurt, angry, upset, confused etc. over. That is life. It is ok, even 'good' to talk with a friend about concerns you have and to engage in the dissatisfaction of some things happening in life as a recognition to that which 'seems' to exist. But HAVE a CONVERSATION about it over breathing deep and a cup of tea. Speak graciously and kindly about those disappointments with the understanding that 'this too shall pass' and even if it doesn't 'seem' to, the Course in Miracles says that it is 'all an illusion' anyway. Everything changes constantly and in that acceptance, we are not 'clinging' to that which we desire to 'stay the same'. We must release and be open. Another one of my favorite verses from Course in Miracles says, "what we see in our brother we see in ourselves, and what we share we strengthen. Let each person and moment TEACH you something about yourself; whether it is old news that you can see how you've grown from or whether it is something that you can't see, won't see and/or aren't willing to accept. It is easy to criticize others but in the end we are only hurting ourselves. Be gracious, say I'm Sorry when you have misspoken or harmed yourself or someone else and most importantly, let each relationship be a 'tool' for growth and understanding of oneself. Stop trying to make everyone be like you, agree with you or support your conflict. Let Diversity Unify your Spirit and your relationships. Be willing to LEARN. Namaste'

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