Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November is here

What a day was today!  Everyone is in such a good mood 'because' of the weather!  then the cold will come and people will 'act' all down, surprised and disappointed.  and we live in Pittsburgh PA!  I tell my students to let the weather be a teaching moment of how life is.  up/down/in/out/hot/cold/high/low/love/hate so on and so forth.  It is a reminder of the yin and yang of life.  Of opposites in our world.  Of how we cannot have one without the other.  This is the balance of life.  Balance and opposites are part of the great journey, and I say, "don't let the weather control your mood".  Let your mood reflect your heart, your real heart, and detach from the clinging to summer, the heat , the sun etc.  take what you have today, one day at a time and find something you love to do no matter the weather.  Winter reminds us to become more dormant, huddle up, snuggle and cuddle.  Read a book, drink tea.  Be like a bear.  Eat more, stay warm and do poses that warm you.  Sleep some extra too, and try to stop running around wishing it were something other than what it is.  Remember the expression, "if you don't like the heat get out of the kitchen".  Well, move if you must.  but what would a sled ride be without snow?  What would a snow angel look like without snow?  And have you ever walked outside after a big snowfall and noticed how quiet and peaceful it is before any snowplows hit the road?  Nothing can compare.  Be cool yogi's, November is here.

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